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Cole Palmer by mal dostať novú úlohu v Chelsea

Cole Palmer sa od svojho letného príchodu z Manchestru City teší vynikajúcej forme. Mauricio Pochettino dostal pred víkendovým súbojom Chelsea s Brightonom dilemu. The Blues privítajú v nedeľu popoludní na Stamford Bridge Seagulls, ktorí sa snažia stúpať v tabuľke Premier League.

25 komentářů

  • avatar
    agent47, 1.12.2023 16:56

    To je ako Mount ten tiez hral na pravom kridle „dobre“, ale najlepsi bol na CAM. Havertz bol tiez zevraj najlepsi na CAM ale ten hral CF, obcas na kridle. Teraz mame najlepsie CAM a hra zase na pravom kridle. Cim to je, ze treneri nevedia dat hraca na ich idealnu poziciu a zalepit chybajuce miesto v zostave niekym inym? Stale lepsie mat na danom poste idealenho hraca – ako dat ho mimo poziciu a jeho post zalepit tiez a mat dva posty zalepene.

    • avatar
      ČeLzý@ConteHater, 1.12.2023 22:31

      Je otázne či je najlepší ako cam imo. Pod Pepom hral vždy na krídle

  • avatar
    Vajbi, 1.12.2023 17:09


    • avatar
      #Passive Jožo, 1.12.2023 18:32

      Chceš nap*iču ??

      • avatar
        Jimmy#, 1.12.2023 18:47

        Dej mu

  • avatar
    bles, 1.12.2023 19:16


    • avatar
      Jimmy#, 1.12.2023 19:42

      Na Onanu :d

    • avatar
      bles, 1.12.2023 19:43


      top zakončení

      • avatar
        Vajbi, 1.12.2023 20:39

        Úplně vidím jak nás útočník by to nedal

  • avatar
    Brutalmetalsvk #CHELSEALETSGO, 1.12.2023 19:27

    Jeho jediný prínos je že vie premieňať penalty inak nula bodov to už aj havertz dával a dáva viac gólov v hre to je čo povedať. Keby nebol Angličan tak sa z neho všetci smejú ako z mudryka

  • avatar
    Vajbi, 1.12.2023 19:31

    Steve Cooper on Andre Santos:

    "I'm not too sure about what's been said. Of course everyone would have liked Andrey to play more. He is a really good young player, but there isn't a load of players his age who are playing regularly in the Premier League.

    It is the sort of situation where if he was our player, he would be in the perfect situation of being in and around the first-team, looking to involve him and giving him some exposure when you can, but knowing you are developing him and getting him ready. The context to it is he isn't our player, he is Chelsea's, and that probably just adds a few question marks to the situation, which I understand."

  • avatar
    Jimmy#, 1.12.2023 19:41

    Lékařům bude ještě jak dlouho mrdat v hlavě?

  • avatar
    #Passive Jožo, 1.12.2023 20:20

    Tpč z Čelzy už je hnutie Taliban ??

    • avatar
      Jimmy#, 1.12.2023 20:27

      Londýn 0°C

      • avatar
        #Passive Jožo, 1.12.2023 20:29

        Čo to znamená tam umiestnili nálože ??

        • avatar
          Jimmy#, 1.12.2023 20:30

          Že jim je zima na koule a jiné části těla :d

          • avatar
            #Passive Jožo, 1.12.2023 20:36

            tak nech niečo robia..

        • avatar
          agent47, 1.12.2023 20:57

          nie, natacaju londyn v plamenoch 2

  • avatar
    Dacan, 1.12.2023 21:24

    Hakim Ziyech: “Pff, Chelsea, we can talk about that for a long time. But the conclusion is that things did not turn out as we had hoped.

    It was a period full of coaching changes, nagging with the club management, a departure to Paris Saint-Germain that did not happen at the last minute, and it was disappointing in terms of football.

    We had three teams there with top players. At a certain point we run out of patience. A selection with forty players for one team is simply far too much and is asking for problems.”

    {Voetbal International}

  • avatar
    agent47, 1.12.2023 21:48

    „Poslali sme do Interu Miami oficiálne pozvanie, v ktorom sme požiadali Lionela Messiho, aby prišiel do relácie. Odpoveď však bola, že nebude účinkovať v žiadnej televíznej šou s Jamiem Carragherom,“

  • avatar
    Jimmy#, 1.12.2023 22:24

    They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard
    They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard
    They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard

  • supii, 1.12.2023 22:43

    blíźi sa to blíži.
    žreb (los) ME 2024
    už zajtra o 18:00 (Hamburg)

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